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Benny Harvey Rip Gta

The Benny Harvey phenomenon: Viral inside joke sparks GTA 5 tribute

Online detectives scramble, cryptic clues emerge

The internet has been abuzz with strange and wonderful tributes to a certain Benny Harvey, following a cryptic inside joke that went viral from a classic Limmy sketch. From heartfelt messages scrawled in the unlikeliest of places in GTA 5 to bizarre gestures in Red Dead Online, the phenomenon has left many scratching their heads.

The origins of the joke

The origins of the Benny Harvey joke can be traced back to a classic Limmy sketch, where the comedian riffs on an imaginary character named Benny Harvey who dies in a variety of gruesome ways. The sketch has become a cult classic, with fans often quoting the line "Benny Harvey RIP" in the most peculiar of places.

The GTA 5 connection

In a recent GTA 5 Online update, players discovered a hidden message scrawled on a wall that simply read "Benny Harvey RIP." This sparked a wave of speculation among fans, who began searching for other clues about the character's fate. Some players even created elaborate in-game memorials to Benny Harvey, while others took to social media to share their theories about what had happened to him.

The Red Dead Online gesture

The Benny Harvey phenomenon has also spread to Red Dead Online, where players have been using a specific emote to pay tribute to the character. The emote, which involves the character raising their hand in a salute, has become a symbol of remembrance for Benny Harvey, and has been used in a variety of creative ways by players.
